Self-Hosting Go Modules

Posted on 3/21/2025, 6:30 PM

I've always been a proponent of self-hosting. Recently I've been doing more work with Go and wanted to host my own modules. I'm not super fond of hosting my code on GitHub because I feel like I don't totally own anything that I don't have root on. So I decided to look into how Go fetches modules and what it takes to host my own.

Why Self-Host?

There are a few reasons why I like to self-host:

  • Ownership: Like I mentioned, if I don't have root on the box that is hosting my code then I don't feel in control.
  • Learning: Touching every part of the stack gives you insights into how everything fits together.
  • Fun: I really enjoy building software, so learning new things is always interesting to me.

How Go Fetches Modules

While I've used Go, I haven't had to think too much about how it actually works under-the-hood. Luckily, Go's documentation is very clear about how it fetches modules, if a little dense. Here's the gist of it:

  • Module Paths: The module path in go.mod can provide a VCS specifier (to point to a repo), or no specifier (to use HTTP).
  • No VCS Specifiers: A <meta> tag pulled from the module path (taken as an HTTP URL) points to a VCS or mod can be used to point to a URL that implements the GOPROXY protocol for the module.
  • Version Tags: If using a VCS, then it is dependent on the VCS. Using mod and the GOPROXY protocol only requires a few static files to specify versions and module bundles.

Once I realized that all Go needs is a directory structure containing list, info, mod, and zip files to fetch modules, I realized it was easily doable. This is when the idea of CONR came to be.

A simple static file host is enough to serve Go modules reliably.

Writing CONR

CONR (Code Only, No Repo) is a tool I wrote originally[1] in TypeScript/zx and translated into Go with ChatGPT. The goal: point CONR at your existing Git repositories, and it automatically does the heavy lifting to package them for self-hosting. Here's a quick rundown:

  1. Prepare Repos: Make sure your Go modules have valid semantic version tags (e.g. v1.0.0).
  2. Install CONR: go install
  3. Run CONR: conr --mod /path/to/myrepo --outDir ./dist --showSkips
You can pass --mod multiple times if you have multiple modules you'd like to package up.

When done, the dist folder will contain a structure that Go's module downloader loves:


These files map directly to the requests Go makes when you go get a module. From here all that is left is to throw them on the internet at <module/path> with the proper <meta> tag. For example, I host my modules at /go.mod/ on this subdomain and have my <meta name="go-import" content=" mod"> tag on both CONR's home page, and the root of the subdomain. I placed it on both pages because Go will follow and double-check the meta tags.

Hosting the Generated Files

So on to hosting the files. I've mentioned Caddy before, but it has to be one of my favorite pieces of software recently. Caddy makes static file hosting a breeze with its file_server directive. While I use Cloudflare Tunnel to expose my services, Caddy makes a lot of sense for self-hosting due to automatic TLS handling (if configured). Here's an example Caddyfile that will serve everything from /www which you can dump the output into:

  admin off
  debug on

:443 {

  handle /go.mod/* {
    header Content-Type text/plain

  file_server browse {
    root /www
Note that I purposefully add the browse parameter to file_server, but you can certainly leave it off if it makes you more comfortable.

Once Caddy was running, I tested with fetching another module and go get fetched from my domain successfully!

Final Thoughts

Finishing this project felt liberating. I discovered that Go modules are fundamentally a simple set of files served at predictable URLs, and was able to easily follow the Go documentation to build CONR. In the end, combining that with a minimal Caddy setup gave me everything I needed for a robust, self-hosted module repository that I trust.

Hopefully I've inspired others to take the self-hosting journey for their own Go modules!

Addendum: Original TS/zx Source

While that is the end of the blog post, here is the original source of my TS/zx script for packaging Go modules for posterity. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

#!/usr/bin/env tsx

import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
import path from 'node:path';
import process from 'node:process';

import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { $, argv, cd } from 'zx';

const FILE_MATCHER_IGNORE_LINE_RX = /^(\s*?|(\/.*?))$/;

function patternToRx(pattern: string) {
  const patternAsRxString =
        part =>
            .map(c => c === '*' ? '[^/]+?' : `[${c}]`)
  return new RegExp(`^${patternAsRxString}$`, "i");

const modules: string[] =
      ? argv.mod
      : typeof argv.mod === 'string'
        ? [argv.mod]
        : []
const include: string[] =
      ? argv.include
      : typeof argv.include === 'string'
        ? [argv.include]
        : []
const includeListFile: string[] =
      ? argv.includeListFile
      : typeof argv.includeListFile === 'string'
        ? [argv.includeListFile]
        : []
const exclude: string[] =
      ? argv.exclude
      : typeof argv.exclude === 'string'
        ? [argv.exclude]
        : []
const excludeListFile: string[] =
      ? argv.excludeListFile
      : typeof argv.excludeListFile === 'string'
        ? [argv.excludeListFile]
        : []
const outDir: string = typeof argv.outDir === 'string' ? path.resolve(argv.outDir) : '';
const skipBuiltinExcludes: boolean = typeof argv.skipBuiltinExcludes !== 'undefined';
const skipBuiltinIncludes: boolean = typeof argv.skipBuiltinIncludes !== 'undefined';
const showSkips: boolean = typeof argv.showSkips !== 'undefined';

if (modules.length === 0) {
  console.error("No modules specified");

if (outDir === '') {
  console.error("No out directory specified");

// Clean -- if needed -- and create the output directory.
const needsClean = await (async () => {
  try {
    await fs.access(outDir, fs.constants.R_OK)

    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;
try {
  if (needsClean) {
    if (argv.clean) {
      await fs.unlink(outDir);
    } else {
      console.error("Output directory already exists. Add the --clean flag to overwrite it.");
} catch (e) {
  console.error("Unable to clean output directory:", e);
try {
  await fs.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true });
} catch (e) {
  console.error("Error creating output directory:", e);

const pwd = (await $`pwd`).text().trim();
for (const module of modules) {
  const modDir = path.resolve(pwd, module);
  console.log("Fetching code for module at:", modDir);

  console.log("Collecting version tags for module at:", modDir);
  const versionTags = $`git tag --list 'v*' | sort`;

  for await (const versionTag of versionTags) {
    // Check out the version
    console.log("Checking out version tag:", versionTag);
    await $`git checkout ${versionTag}`;

    const goModPath = path.join(modDir, 'go.mod');
    try {
      await fs.access(goModPath, fs.constants.R_OK)
    } catch (e) {
      console.error("Error reading go.mod:", e);

    const goModContents = await fs.readFile(goModPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
    const modulePath = (() => {
      for (const line of goModContents.split("\n")) {
        const lineParts = line.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean);
        if (lineParts.length === 2 && lineParts[0] === 'module') {
          return lineParts[1];
      return null;

    if (modulePath === null) {
      console.error("Unable to locate module path in go.mod for module:", module);

    console.log("Creating output directory for module:", modulePath);

    const versionOutputBaseDir = path.join(outDir, modulePath, '@v');
    const versionListFile = path.join(versionOutputBaseDir, 'list');
    const latestVersionOutputFile = path.join(outDir, modulePath, '@latest');
    try {
      await fs.mkdir(versionOutputBaseDir, { recursive: true });
    } catch (e) {
      console.error("Error creating module version directory:", e);

    console.log("Creating version list for module:", modulePath);
    await $`touch ${versionListFile}`;

    // Add version mod file
    const versionModFile = path.join(versionOutputBaseDir, `${versionTag}.mod`);
    try {
      await fs.copyFile(goModPath, versionModFile);
    } catch (e) {
      console.error("Error copying go.mod:", e);

    // Add files for this module version
    const conrExcludeRxs: RegExp[] =;
    if (!skipBuiltinExcludes) {
    for (const excludeFile of excludeListFile) {
      const excludeConrPath = path.resolve(modDir, excludeFile);
      const excludeConrContents = await (async () => {
        try {
          return await fs.readFile(excludeConrPath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
        } catch (e) {
          console.warn('Unable to read exclude.conr');
          return null;
      if (excludeConrContents !== null) {
          .filter(line => !FILE_MATCHER_IGNORE_LINE_RX.test(line))
          .map(pattern => patternToRx(pattern))
          .forEach(rx => {
    const conrIncludeRxs: RegExp[] =;
    if (!skipBuiltinIncludes) {
    for (const includeFile of includeListFile) {
      const includeConrPath = path.resolve(modDir, includeFile);
      const includeConrContents = await (async () => {
        try {
          await fs.stat(includeConrPath);
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
        try {
          return await fs.readFile(includeConrPath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
        } catch (e) {
          console.warn('Unable to read include.conr');
          return null;
      if (includeConrContents !== null) {
          .filter(line => !FILE_MATCHER_IGNORE_LINE_RX.test(line))
          .map(pattern => patternToRx(pattern))
          .forEach(rx => {
    const zip = new JSZip();
    const allFileEntries = await fs.readdir(modDir, {
      encoding: 'utf8',
      recursive: true,
      withFileTypes: true,
    for (const fileEntry of allFileEntries) {
      if (fileEntry.isDirectory()) {

      const filePath = path.join(fileEntry.parentPath,;
      const zipPathSuffix = filePath.substring(modDir.length + 1);
      if (conrIncludeRxs.length > 0) {
        const shouldInclude = (() => {
          for (const includeRx of conrIncludeRxs) {
            if (includeRx.test(zipPathSuffix)) {
              return true;
          return false;
        if (!shouldInclude) {
          if (showSkips) {
            console.log(` [skip] ${zipPathSuffix} does not match any:`, conrIncludeRxs);
          continue iterateFiles;
      if (conrExcludeRxs.length > 0) {
        for (const excludeRx of conrExcludeRxs) {
          if (excludeRx.test(zipPathSuffix)) {
            if (showSkips) {
              console.log(` [skip] ${zipPathSuffix} due to rx:`, `excludeRx=${excludeRx}`);
            continue iterateFiles;
      // Set the proper paths for the zip files
      const zipPathPrefix = `${modulePath}@${versionTag}`;
      const zipPath = `${zipPathPrefix}/${zipPathSuffix}`;
      console.log(`+ ${versionTag}.zip <= ${zipPath} <= ${filePath}`);
      zip.file(zipPath, fs.readFile(filePath), { createFolders: false });
    const versionZipFile = path.join(versionOutputBaseDir, `${versionTag}.zip`);
    console.log('Saving module version zip to:', versionZipFile);
    const buffer = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'nodebuffer' });
    await fs.writeFile(versionZipFile, buffer);

    // Add to version list
    console.log('Appending version tag to:', versionListFile);
    await $`echo ${versionTag} >>${versionListFile}`;

    // Add version info
    const versionInfoFile = path.join(versionOutputBaseDir, `${versionTag}.info`);
    console.log('Creating version info file:', versionInfoFile);
    const versionInfo = JSON.stringify({
      Version: versionTag,
    await $`echo ${versionInfo} >${versionInfoFile}`;

    // Overwrite latest (this is fine because we should have pre-sorted tags, with later versions coming later)
    console.log('Setting @latest:', latestVersionOutputFile);
    await fs.copyFile(versionInfoFile, latestVersionOutputFile);
